Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

huuaaahhh cappeee geraaahhh hoyong ngojay ikhh,,,

huuuaaaa gerah bgt abis uprak SBK.... aq jdi MC... huuaaa nervous gillaaa....
stellaaahh itt... keringet ngumpul di pelipis, ma leher!!! huuaaaa gak betahh...
tapp... dah kw rencanain brg tmand2 bwadh rnang cuy.. tapiii... ditunda mllu ma tmn2... akk jga mlah online... huaaa.... ga da yang bener nih smua.a!!! huaaa....
(dri tdi hua hua mllu ya?) ah bae...

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

susah.a bkin KOMIK BRO.....

Ya Allah... susah amattt yyyaa bkiiinn komiiiiikkkkkk???????????
niat na bkin komik dah punyaaaa.... tapiii inspirassiii n' gambarnaaa GAK BISAAA...
ampuunnn dehhh... bner dah saluuuuttt bgt bwt penulis komik sluruh duniaaaa!!!!!!!
love u all!!!!!
bye.. :)))

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

When I Look At You - Miley Cyrus

Everybody needs inspiration,
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody
When the nights so long

Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy...

Yea when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I...
I look at you

When the waves
Are flooding the shore and I can't
Find my way home anymore
That's when I, I...
I look at you

When I look at You I see forgiveness
I see the truth
You love me for who I am
Like the stars Hold the moon
Right there where they belong
And I Know I'm Not Alone.

Yea when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I...
I look at you

When the waves
Are flooding the shore and I can't
Find my way home anymore
That's when I, I...
I look at you

You appear just like a dream to me
Just like Kaleidoscope colors that
Cover Me, All I need every
Breath that I breathe don't you know
You're beautiful...

Yea Yea Yea

When the waves
Are flooding the shore and I can't
Find my way home anymore
That's when I, I...
I look at you
I look at you

Yea Yea Oh OH OH

And you appear Just like a dream
To me.

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

vidclip miley cyrus yang ditunggu-tunggu!!

hahaha!! akhirnya setelah sekian lama ..
aku bisa juga nnton n download vidclip miley - party in the USA!!

Benci Borokokok bau kotok huuu...

nyebelin!! si alif ngejekin aku mulu!! padahal, aku gak punya masalah tuh ma dia! bayangin deh, gimana rasanya kalo diejekin kaya gini,
"si yasmin mah cerewet, sombeh, geuleuh, pangributna di kelas... bla.. bla.. bla..."
DASAR MULUT BEBEK!!! AHH!!! yang ada dia kali yang cerewet bukan aku!! wajar dong kalo cewe, cerewet!! lha ini, cowo kok cas ces cos mulu kerjaannya..!!! mana bahasa kasar tuh udah jadi MAKANAN SEHARI-HARI!!!
AHH!!! dia juga pernah bilang bego tau ke aku!! dasar!! gak ada matinya dia ngomongin aku mulu!! gak cape tu mulut HAH??? dasar!! SOK KEGANTENGAN!!!
MUKA lu tuh kaya ikan lele!! ANNOYING banget tuh orang!! AHHH!!!!
-sorry yah aku lagi galak bgt nih-
bye blogger's  ..
love u all.


heiheiheiiii... asiksiksik... aku punya blog nih.. bisa curhat apa ajja... nyebelin bgt sih..
curhat ke orang, malu, trus .. ga da yang denger lagiii!! nyebelin banget kann??
udah yah aku mw bwlajar blogging dluu!! hahahh..